Thursday, August 13, 2009


The last few nights out on the streets has been so exciting. Every time that i go out, there are opportunities to witness, to share God's love and to pray for people. But this all happens because we get a chance to breathe God in and to be filled up in our prayer room.

Last week some holiday makers that i met and prayed for last summer came back for 2 weeks of Ibiza madness, and it's been great to have them around. They are our biggest fans, and each night we've bumped into them drinking at their favourite bar, they've written prayer requests for themselves and for their loved ones.

One of them even wanted to pray for us whilst out on the street, so we all got in a huddle and he prayed protection over us. It was a genuine and heartfelt prayer that rocked! We all met up with them and had a drink to say good bye before they got their flight. They'll be missed, and i hope to see them again.

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