Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Anglican Retreat

On Saturday i went to a retreat down by the South coast at a place called Es Cubells. It was held at a Nun's Convent, housing Carmelite Sisters, and it was such a beautiful setting - right by the sea.

It was hosted by The Anglican Church here on the Island, which is led by a man called Bob. I have met him (and his lovely wife) many times over the years during my summer visits to the Island, but now that i live here, i am looking forward to getting to know him, and indeed his church members, much better.

The day was run by one of Bob's friends, also a minister in a church in Edinburgh, Scotland, and the theme of the day was centered on 'Treasure in jars of clay', a sentence direct from the Bible. It was an excellent day reminding me that human beings, although weak and fickle can contain such treasure just by knowing God through Jesus.

For me, the best part of the day was gaining a stronger connection to the wider Church on the Island, and meeting the many amazing people that have been living here for decades, all doing or having done such different and interesting things here with there lives. It always fascinates me meeting people that have moved to Ibiza to set up home. I am looking forward to building relationships with alot of these people during my time here.

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